Monday, January 27, 2020

Benefits of Healthy Eating in Early Childhood

Benefits of Healthy Eating in Early Childhood Paul Dervey Introduction In this assignment I will be focusing on the benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle, diseases and prevention of diseases. I will discuss the chronic diseases that can be prevented and the ways that help to reduce the risks of developing these, and look at major food groups and how these can impact a healthy active lifestyle. I will explore activities for a healthy lifestyle and how they contribute to a reduced risk of obesity and illness. I will also define the meaning of wellbeing and how this can be achieved for children and their families. Leading a healthy lifestyle Leading a healthy lifestyle is paramount in everyone’s lifetime as there are many ways in which a child and their family can prevent diseases or a chronic illness, and mental health related problems. The British Heart Foundation have carried out research into living healthily and staying healthy, and discussed that ‘eating healthily can stop you gaining weight, which in return reduces the risk of illness’ ( Chronic illnesses concerning obesity are linked with poor diet and not much exercise. The major types of chronic illness are:- Coronary heart disease- This occurs when the blood supply is blocked by fatty deposits due to a high diet of saturated fats. Cancer- Eating a poor diet which could lead to obesity has several risks. The research that has been undertaken so far in the United Kingdom suggests that newly diagnosed cancers could have been halved if a person was to lead a healthy lifestyle. Stroke- This is where there is a restriction of oxygen to the brain. Eating healthily and undertaking plenty of exercise daily can reduce the risks of a stroke. Diabetes- This is a chronic health condition in the United Kingdom affecting around 2.8 million people. Diabetes can be controlled by the use of insulin, eating sensibly and exercise depending on the type. Complications and problems can occur if diabetes is not controlled properly, such as heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, eye problems, and nerve pain and foot ulcers. High blood pressure- This could lead to a stroke or coronary heart disease, which could be due to lack of exercise or being overweight. The above chronic illnesses may be prevented by having a good healthy diet on a day to day basis and exercise. Being healthy would reduce the risk of being or becoming obese which would therefore prevent these diseases occurring. Cases in the past where children have been mistreated showed that children require a balanced nutrition diet. The Victoria Climbie case in February 2000 highlighted the importance of young people’s services working together to reduce the risks of ill care towards children. ‘This case highlighted the importance of multi-agency working and information sharing in order to protect children and prevent them from harm’. ( The Children Act 2004 was introduced and the green paper within Every Child Matters which identified five outcomes that are important to children and young people. These are to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve an economic well-being ( These outcomes have meant that organisations are now working together and sharing information to protect children and young people. This case highlighted the importance of providing children with nutrition. Eating healthily Eating healthy has many benefits which include the prevention of chronic illnesses and mental wellbeing, which in turn could lead to behavioural problems. Children who sit around the table during family time with their families are less likely to become ‘choosy eaters’. Eating as a family also promotes family bonding time and encourages children to try different varieties of nutritious foods. Behavioural problems could stem from missing essential minerals and vitamins in a child’s diet. A healthy diet should include different nutritionally balanced meals. The main types of nutrition groups are:- Carbohydrates which provide a high energy level amongst essential B vitamins such as iron, fibre and calcium. These will be found in foods such as potatoes, bread, pasta, rice and starchy foods. Protein is essential in a child’s development as it supports body cells, repair and body growth. Proteins contain vitamins and acids which help to keep the bodies cholesterol levels low. Proteins are found in foods such as meat, eggs, fish, bread, milk, and a range of dairy products. Unsaturated fats can be beneficial for the body lowering its own cholesterol in the blood. Not all fats are harmful to the body, however saturated fats can increase the body’s cholesterol. Unsaturated fats can be found in olive oil, sunflower oil, tuna, salmon and nuts. Fruit and vegetables are recommended by Government guidelines for an individual to consume five portions of fruit and vegetables per day. However, new research has highlighted the need for seven pieces per day. Fruit and vegetables contain essential minerals and vitamins to help prevent diseases such as heart, stroke and cancers, while helping to maintain a balanced weight. Sugars are within food such as fruit and milk, but there is a high concern for other sugary foods such as fizzy drinks and sweets where sugar is added to these. All of the above foods are advised to be eaten in portion sizes, including several of the different major foods daily. Nutrients are present within foods such as fibre and potassium, which help to maintain a healthy body. It is important to get the correct balance of the above foods in order to get the maximum benefits of being healthy. Fruit and vegetables should be the biggest portion of food consumed, with protein and carbohydrates in the remaining part of the diet. Sugars and fatty foods should be limited within the diet. When planning meals, seasonal changes may be taken into consideration as individuals consume different foods according to the time of year. For example, salads in the summer and vegetables in the winter. Activities for young children Activities and exercise are essential for a child as they grow up into adolescence. Setting good habits and providing a good exercise pattern will keep the body from accumulating unwanted fats, which could lead to chronic illness and a high body mass index. ‘The Department of Health suggested that the number of 2-15 year olds taking part in the recommended amount of exercise is only 30%’ (OSC P10). This is concerning, however opportunities can be made available for children in the house that individuals would not normally think were classed as exercise such as housework and gardening. Activities do not necessarily have to include attending the gym or running a marathon, it can be as little as one hour a day as stated by professors in Glasgow. ‘In 2006, professors identified through a study of 545 nursery school children, that one hour of exercise a day was required for children to maintain a healthy body mass index, in addition to eating a healthy diet’ (OSC P15). Activities which can be carried out with young children can focus on physical and mental wellbeing such as walking or taking trips to the local park exploring the environments and growing independent with new surroundings. Children’s play centres give children a chance to meet other children and gain confidence playing with others. Creative activities such as cooking encourage parents and children to taste new healthy foods and explore the variation of colours and textures. This would promote a kinaesthetically approach of learning for the child. Other physical activities for young children could include children acting out words in books, using bodies to make shapes and letters. Nature walks and other outings to explore the environment could also be part of physical development. For babies, reaching and rolling are important to explore the world around them. Toddlers go from crawling, to standing, then walking. Pre-schoolers balance along obstacles, move to music and role pla y. Activities for young children can contribute to a healthy lifestyle as they can provide many benefits which include promoting healthy growth and development, and helping to achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Benefits could also include, improving balance, co-ordination and strength while improving posture. Activities would assist with the development of gross and fine motor skills and improve things such as concentration, confidence and self-esteem. Activities provide opportunities to develop social skills and make friends and establish connections between different parts of the brain ( These benefits show that physical development is important for children, and adults need to support this by role-modelling and encouraging throughout childhood to promote a healthy lifestyle. Wellbeing Wellbeing is defined as ‘the state of being comfortable, healthy or happy, with security and safety. When looking at a child’s wellbeing there are many factors to focus on to give a healthy wellbeing for both the family and the child. The key aspects are like a stone in a bridge where there is a supportive structure which keeps everything upright. A loving environment would give a child and family the safe factor in life, and would bring a secure feeling to an individual. An example of this is where a child is comforted, and provided with love and reassurance. By ensuring routines are in place within the family, this would give everyone involved a sense of stability. A bedtime routine would show the child that there is a time to settle down after playing during the day, and consistency with times would allow the child to set healthy balances of time. A positive supportive attitude would create and improve self-esteem, which is essential for a child as they are growing up into society. An example of this could be when letting a child play and share toys with other children, reassuring the child to share when they are reluctant. Creating a positive atmosphere where a child and their family can thrive and always try to look forward in life is important. This could include taking more time to think about a situation and how the ch ild can adapt to this, while showing consistency. Wellbeing in a child is about the child developing to ensure the child feels valued, supported and confident in their choices. This will enable children to feel positive about themselves and have a positive outlook on life. Choice and opportunities would support children with independence by giving them the opportunity to take the lead role. Wellbeing can be achieved for children and families together through strong attachments. Conclusion From this assignment it can be seen that a healthy lifestyle is of importance to young children and families. There are many benefits that are highlighted in leading a healthy lifestyle, and I have discussed how problems can be caused by not leading a healthy lifestyle. Early intervention looking at diet and activities, benefit young children as they grow up to learn how important being healthy is, and adults play a supportive role within this. (1797 words) Bibliography Childcare Level 3, Open Study College, Unit 1- Healthy Living course notes. Gavigan, C. (2009) Healthy Child Healthy World. Plume books, New York. Framework- 5 key outcomes [Online] available from: [Accessed 29.10.14] Multi-agency working [Online] available from: [Accessed 4.11.14] Benefits of eating healthy [Online] available from:  [Accessed 9.11.14] Physical Development [Online] available from: [Accessed 9.11.14]

Sunday, January 19, 2020

ISDN VS. Cable Modem :: science

ISDN VS. Cable Modem 1.0 Introduction The Internet is a network of networks that interconnects computers around the world, supporting both business and residential users. In 1994, a multimedia Internet application known as the World Wide Web became popular. The higher bandwidth needs of this application have highlighted the limited Internet access speeds available to residential users. Even at 28.8 Kilobits per second (Kbps)—the fastest residential access commonly available at the time of this writing—the transfer of graphical images can be frustratingly slow. This report examines two enhancements to existing residential communications infrastructure: Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), and cable television networks upgraded to pass bi-directional digital traffic (Cable Modems). It analyzes the potential of each enhancement to deliver Internet access to residential users. It validates the hypothesis that upgraded cable networks can deliver residential Internet access more cost-effectively, while offering a broader range of services. The research for this report consisted of case studies of two commercial deployments of residential Internet access, each introduced in the spring of 1994: Â · Continental Cablevision and Performance Systems International (PSI) jointly developed PSICable, an Internet access service deployed over upgraded cable plant in Cambridge, Massachusetts; Â · Internex, Inc. began selling Internet access over ISDN telephone circuits available from Pacific Bell. Internex's customers are residences and small businesses in the "Silicon Valley" area south of San Francisco, California. 2.0 The Internet When a home is connected to the Internet, residential communications infrastructure serves as the "last mile" of the connection between the home computer and the rest of the computers on the Internet. This section describes the Internet technology involved in that connection. This section does not discuss other aspects of Internet technology in detail; that is well done elsewhere. Rather, it focuses on the services that need to be provided for home computer users to connect to the Internet. 2.1 ISDN and upgraded cable networks will each provide different functionality (e.g. type and speed of access) and cost profiles for Internet connections. It might seem simple enough to figure out which option can provide the needed level of service for the least cost, and declare that option "better." A key problem with this approach is that it is difficult to define exactly the needed level of service for an Internet connection. The requirements depend on the applications being run over the connection, but these applications are constantly changing. As a result, so are the costs of meeting the applications' requirements.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Database Final Exam

1. (Chapter 06): Describe a relational DBMS (RDBMS), its underlying data model, data storage structures, and manner of establishing data relationships: a. A relational DBMS (or RDMBS) is a data management system that implements a relational data model, one where data are stored in a collection of tables and the data relationships are represented by common valves, not links. Pg. 247 b. Data are stored in a collection of tables and the data relationships are represented by common values not links.String| CARACTER (CHAR)CHARACTER VARYING (VARCHAR or VARCHAR2)BINARY LARGE OBJECT (BLOB)| Stores string values containing any character in a character set. CHAR is defined to be a fixed length. Stores string values containing any characters in a character set but of definable variable length. Stores binary string values in hexadecimal format. BLOB is defined to be a variable length. (Oracle also has CLOB and NCLOB, as well as BFILE for storing unstructured data outside the database. )| Number| NUMERICINTERGER(INT)| Stores exact numbers with a defined precision and scale.Stores exact numbers with a predefined precision and scale of zero| Temporal| TIMESTAMPTIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZON| Stores a moment an event occurs, using a definable fraction-of-a-second precision. Value adjusted to the user’s session time zone (available in Oracle and MySQL)| Boolean| BOOLEAN| Stores truth values: TRUE, FALSE or UNKNOWN| c. The relational data model assumes that you have completed the activity ‘An ER Model d. The power of the RDBMS is realized through†¦. The relationship existing between the tables. The relationships are established by including common column or columns in every table where a relationship is needed. . (Chapter 06): What are six potential benefits of achieving an SQL standard? Pg. 245-246 a. Reduce training cost b. Productivity c. Application portability d. Application longevity e. Reduce dependence on a single vendor f. Cross-system communication 3. (Chapter 07): Define each of the following key terms: a. Dynamic SQL: Specific SQL code generated on the fly while an application is processing. Pg. 326 b. Correlated subquery: Use the result of the outer query to determine the processing of the inner query. Pg. 303 c. Embedded SQL: Hard-coded SQL statements included in a program written in another language, such as C or Java.Pg. 323 d. Procedure: A collection of procedural and SQL statements that are assigned a unique name within the schema and stored in the database. Pg. 323 e. Join: A relational operation that causes two tables with a common domain to be combined into a single table or view. Pg. 290 f. Equi-join: A join in which the joining condition is based on equality between vales in the common columns. Common columns appear (redundantly) in the result table. P 291 g. Self-join: There are times when a join requires matching rows in a table with other rows in that same table – that is, joining table with itself. Pg. 297 . Outer join: A join in which rows that do not have matching values in common columns are nevertheless included in the result table. Pg. 293 i. Function: A stored subroutine that returns one value and has only input parameters. Pg323 j. Persistent Stored Modules (SQL/PSM): Extensions defined in SQL:1999 that include the capability to create and drop modules of code stored in the database schema across user sessions. Pg. 319 4. (Chapter 07): Write the SQL Query needed to: Display CourseID and CourseName for all courses in the Course Table where the CourseID has an ‘ISM’ prefix: Query: SELECT [CourseTable].CourseID, [CourseTable]. CourseName FROM CourseTable WHERE((([CourseTable]. CourseID)=†ISM†)); 5. (Chapter 08): What are the advantages/disadvantages of two-tier architectures? Pg. 339 An advantage of two-tier architecture The advantage of the two-tier design is its simplicity. The TopLink database session that builds the two-tier architecture provides all the TopLink features in a single session type, thereby making the two-tier architecture simple to build and use. A disadvantage of the two-tier architecture is The most important limitation of the two-tier architecture is that it is not scalable, ecause each client requires its own database session. * 6. (Chapter 08): What are six common steps to access databases? Pg. 340 * a. Identify and register a database driver b. Open a connection to a database c. Execute a query against the database d. Process the results of a query e. Repeat step 3-4 as necessary f. Close the connection to the database * * * 7. (Chapter 09): What are the three major components of Data Warehouse architecture? Pg. 389 a. Operational data are stored in the various operational systems of record throughout the organization (and sometimes in external systems). . Reconciled data are the type of data stored in the enterprise data warehouse and an operational data stored. c. Derived data are the type of data stored i n each of the data marts. * * 8. (Chapter 09): What are the four characteristics of a data warehouse? a. Subject Orientation: Data organized by subject b. Integration: Consistency of defining parameters c. Non-volatility: Stable data storage medium d. Time-variance: Timeliness of data and access terms * 9. (Chapter 09): What are the five claimed limitations of independent data marts? Pg. 384 . A separate ETL process is developed for each data mart, which can yield costly redundant data and processing efforts. b. Data marts may not be consistent with one another because they are often developed with different technologies, and thus they may not provide a clear enterprise-wide view of data concerning important subjects such as customers, suppliers, and products. c. There is no capability to drill down into greater detail or into related facts in other data marts or a shared data repository, so analysis is limited, or at best very difficult. . Scaling costs are excessive because every new application that creates a separate data mart repeats all the extract and load steps. e. if there is an attempt to make the separate data marts consistent, the cost to do so is quite high. * 10. (Chapter 09): What are the three types of operations that can be easily performed with OLAP tools? Pg. 214-215 a. Relational OLAP (ROLAP) –Star Schema based b. Multidimensional OLAP (MOLAP) –Cube based c. Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) * 11. (Chapter 10): What are the four key components of a data governance program? Pg. 435 . Sponsorship from both senior management and business units b. A data steward manager to support, train, and coordinate the data stewards c. Data stewards for different business units, data subjects, source systems, or combinations of these elements d. A governance committee, headed by one person, but composed of data steward managers, executives and senior vice presidents, IT leadership and others business leaders, to set strategic goals, coordinate activities, and provide guidelines and standards for all data management activities. * * 12. Chapter 10): What are the four ways that data capture processes can be improved to improve data quality? According to Inmon (2004), there are several actions that can be taken at the original data capture step: Pg. 441 a. Enter as much of the data as possible via automatic, not human, means (e. g. , from data stored in a smart card or pulled from a database, such as retrieving current values for addresses, account numbers, and other personal characteristics). b. Where data must be entered manually, ensure that it is selected from preset options (e. . , drop-down menus of selections pulled from the database), if possible. c. Use trained operators when possible (help systems and good prompts/examples can assist end users in proper data entry). d. Follow good user interface design principles that create consistent screen layouts, easy to follow navigation paths, clear data entry masks and formats (which ca n be defined in DDL), minimal use of obscure codes can be looked up and displayed from the database, not in the application programs), etc. . Immediately check entered data for quality against data in the database, so use triggers and user-defined procedures liberally to make sure that only high-quality data enter the database; wen questionable data are entered (e. g. , â€Å"T for gender), immediate and understandable feedback should be given to the operator, questioning the validity of the data.

Friday, January 3, 2020

Wellness and Physical Fitness - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1012 Downloads: 8 Date added: 2019/05/15 Category Sports Essay Level High school Tags: Fitness Essay Did you like this example? When it comes to achieving a healthy lifestyle and to live a life that you want, there are several risk factors to keep in mind that can derail your life in an instant. For this paper, we will be focusing on five factors that can have catastrophic effects on a person throughout their life if not prevented through proper fitness, diet, and other healthy habits. In researching this topic, there are two key terms to define when looking at the risk factors and how they contribute to a persons overall health. The first term is wellness. One of the leading universities in regards to Physical Education and fitness/wellness programs is located at the University of California, Davis. The definition of wellness stated by the website for U.C. Davis is the following: Wellness is an active process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life. Wellness is more than being free from illness, it is a dynamic process of change and growth, (U.C. Davis Website). The other term that is being defined for this paper is physical fitness. In February 2015, the New World Encyclopedia changed their definition of physical fitness to the following: Physical fitness is the capacity of the heart, blood vessels, lungs, and muscles to function at optimum efficiency. In previous years, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the days activities without undue fatigue, (New World Encyclopedia). In looking at physical fitness and wellness, there are several risk factors that exist that can cause serious effects on a person and their quality of life as a whole. Some of these factors include high blood pressure, obesity, tobacco use of both smoking and smokeless tobacco, high cholesterol, and one of the most overlooked which is a poor diet. This first risk factor being studies is high blood pressure. There are several adverse effects that high blood pressure can have on the body. One of the worlds leading medical researc h centers, the Mayo Clinic states, Uncontrolled high blood pressure can lead to stroke by damaging and weakening your brains blood vessels, causing them to narrow, rupture or leak. High blood pressure can also cause blood clots to form in the arteries leading to your brain, blocking blood flow and potentially causing a stroke, (Mayo Clinic website). This has hit my immediate family as my aunt Shannon suffered a stroke at the age of 25 due to a wrong prescription. She lost the use of her left arm and had to learn how to walk and speak again. She is doing much better today after years of therapy and a very tough physical fitness program. The next risk factor is obesity. According to Stanford University Healthcare, obesity is one of the most serious problems our nation faces. On their website, they describe that up to 150 billion dollars is spent every year to fight the effects of obesity. Effects on the body from obesity include, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hear t disease, joint problems due to the excess weight that can lead to arthritis, sleep apnea as well as other mental problems. The third risk factor is tobacco use. Having played baseball in places all over the West Coast and Midwest, I have seen a lot of examples of what smokeless tobacco can do to people. Again, the Stanford University Healthcare website is used for research on this risk factor. Stanford University states, Smoking has been shown to promote the acceleration of atherosclerotic disease and has been identified as one of the strongest risk factors in the development of peripheral artery disease, (Stanford University Website). Both smoking tobacco and using smokeless tobacco can have the same effects on the body including: blood clots, heart attacks, stroke, and increased carbon monoxide in the blood. Combined with any of the other risk factors being discussed and this can have a drastic effect on your life and how long you will live. The fourth risk factor is high cholesterol. The Mayo clinic in an article on their website describes that we need cholesterol and not all cholesterol is bad. Its a waxy substance actually found in fats and actually helps build healthy cells. However, you can have too much of a good thing. When you have high cholesterol, you can end up having fatty deposits that end up blocking your arteries and causing high blood pressure, heart attacks, and strokes due to the loss of circulation. Finally, the last risk factor that is being discussed is having a poor diet. In a May, 2017 article written by the Center for Disease Control, they discuss the effects of a poor diet as, A poor diet can lead to energy imbalance (e.g., eating more calories than your body uses) and can increase the risk of becoming overweight or obese. A poor diet can increase the risk for lung, esophageal, stomach, colorectal, and prostate cancers. Now that the risk factors have been identified, what can a person do to alleviate an y of these risk factors from their own life? The first is ensuring that you are getting adequate exercise which at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise is recommended daily. The second is to not only eat properly and have a proper diet, but to hydrate effectively. Currently the CDC states that up to 10% of a students diet intake is sugar based drinks. Drinking water and other healthy alternatives can have a dramatic improvement on a persons health. If a person combines these two things with regular doctor visits and knowing their Body Mass Index or BMI, they can effectively monitor their health and prevent many health problems before they exist. When trying to live the life that you want, its important to keep all of the positive strategies in mind to have the best life possible. Works Cited High blood pressure dangers: Hypertensions effects on your body https://www.mayo Effects of Obesity. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Wellness and Physical Fitness" essay for you Create order